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World Changers Conference

Changemaker: Ajay Karthik Ravindran

World Changers Conference (WCC) aims to empower young leaders and tertiary students through workshops with NZ leaders, equipping them with the skills to initiate change. New Zealand youth have great potential and scope to become leaders in social movements, but many don’t yet realise this, or don’t feel they have the skills necessary to do anything substantial. WCC aims to change this belief by introducing them to real world changers to inspire and educate them, as well as building leadership and team skills to equip them to run projects and events. This year, there will be 4 conferences in 3 New Zealand cities, and one large national conference. Together, these conferences will enable participants to build networks and meet other youth with similar interests to create their own social enterprises. Using accomplished Kiwi’s and other organisations, we will help participants to be the best they can and create the best projects possible!


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