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Changemaker: Erick Alouis

Country of Implementation: Kenya 

Kakuma Refugee Camp is home to thousands of refugees who fled their countries and most of the vulnerable are teenage mothers.

after our interaction with community members, we found out that 60 percent of teenage mothers are not capable of attending school due to the challenge of duties and responsibility for their babies, 30 percent are facing the issue of culture and 10 percent are trying to join school but due to the level of class, poor performance and the time of joining was not well planned they decided to drop. 

the project seeks to address the plight of poor adolescent mothers aged 12-20 years in the Kakuma Refugee Community by enrolling them in Remedial Classes, Permaculture, and Pads making programs that support them to improve their academic level and join the school again, secondly, the project will involve the production of vegetables and sanitary pads for sale to generate some income in an endeavor to redeem themselves from Economic slavery that might lead to exploitation, coercion, forced marriage and school drop outs. this project seeks to support adolescent mothers by offering a chance to produce products that they can sell to the school and outside school and make their own money to support their children and themselves by improving their diet and earning some money to buy books so that they can perform better in school. it's geared toward providing a chance to return their life around by ending the poverty that is attendant to feminism. 


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