We will take you through five core chapters based on the five phases of Project Management, with lessons given by experienced and impactful changemakers from over 15 countries across six continents.
You will meet and learn from like-minded people from across the world through the discussion forum and community group. You can also connect and engage with the lesson teachers during regular virtual office hours.

You will develop the skills needed to become an effective changemaker and create or scale a project that positively impacts your community. Upon completion of the course, you will be eligible for a grant to implement your project.

Designed to be completed over 8 weeks, this self-paced course contains 20-25 minute long lessons given by youth, for youth.
Teachers have created small challenges for each lesson to deepen the understanding of the material through practical application.
Each teacher has provided a set of complementary materials, specially curated to enrich the learning journey.
course Content
course introduction
The Complexity of Social Innovation
Finding Your Passion
project initiation
Investigating the Problem
Human-Centered Design
Resource Assessment and Vision Statement
Team Recruitment
Sustainable Development Goals
project planning
Setting Goals
Setting Tasks
Project Management Tools
Financial Assessment
Assessing Risks
project promotion
Promoting Your Project
Social Media for Social Impact
Public Speaking
project execution
Leading and Managing a Team
Adapting to Unexpected Situations
Monitoring Indicators
Assessing Impact
project evaluation
Analyzing Impact
Evaluating with Your Team
Sustaining and Scaling Your Project
for the 150 usd course fee you'll get...
Over 25 lessons on all aspects of creating, running and monitoring a community action project;
Lessons given by experienced young changemakers from over 15 countries and 6 continents;
Curated complementary materials for each lesson, also in a downloadable PDF format.
Simple and practical lesson challenges;
On-demand, virtual meetings with lesson teachers;
A global network of like minded people through the discussion forum and community group;

Global Changemakers has trained thousands of young people from 186 countries on how to create, execute and scale community action projects. We have provided grants to 450+ youth-led projects which have gone on to impact the lives of 15+ million people and reaching 930+ million people through the media.
We have packaged our training into this course, with changemakers who are subject experts in each topic to teach the lessons from their own experience – by youth for youth.
Grants to implement or scale projects created.
We are constantly working to find sponsors to make this possible and will keep you updated.
In the meantime, we encourage you to make use of our Fundraising Tool Kit
Due to international sanctions, our course will unfortunately not be available in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, or Crimea.