Changemaker: Sikander Abeer
This project had three main aims, to educate and enlighten the youth of our Sri Lanka, to provide the youth with a voice, an opportunity to express our thoughts and feelings on how we should cohesively co-exist with our fellow beings, and most importantly to help the youth take action, and make a difference in today‛s and tomorrow‛s world. Under the National Road To Rio+20 Campaign Sri Lanka we conducted 13 workshops, Series of action project, at-least five mega events including an Earth Walk, Earth Day The workshops were held in mainly to target the youth. These workshops was organized under the theme "Sustainable Happiness and Progressing for a Sustainable Future". The overall objective of the workshop was to get the participants to involve in the process, to give them the chance to voice their opinions and their views on how to achieve a sustainable future. As they will be ones who will, future become world leaders and global ambassadors In collaborations with the Colombo Model United Nations Conference we organized an action projects where schools students initiated sustainable projects in their schools. One such project was educating and creating awareness about sustainability amongst the school students.
An Earth Walk was organized in partnership with several organizations including the United Nations Development program, National Youth Services Council of Sri Lanka, Academy of Design and many more. We were able to attract around 500 youth for this event. We also organized an event to celebrate the Earth Day 2012. This was an educational program to the participants. Simultaneously we promote the National Youth Policy Paper for the Earth Summit 2012, where we had several youth policy consultation programs. We were able to promote this document to around minimum 10,000 youth in the country.
