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Changemaker: William Alejandro Reyes López

Country of Implementation: Guatemala

On June 3, 2018 a devastating volcano eruption occurred in Escuintla, Guatemala.

Four thousand people were evacuated, ninety nine were dead and more than two hundred people in the surrounding communities disappeared. 

Although there were warnings informing of the imminent eruption, the entity in charge of alerting communities, CONRED,was not able to evacuate people on time. Nowadays, the 5 communities displaced live in “Finca la Industria, Escuintla, where many wooden houses were built as their new homes.

A volunteer group of students united forces with the hundreds of Guatemalans who

gathered groceries and other useful donations for the affected people. In the process of handing these donations, they  found out that the people in these communities didn ́t know what to do when someone was wounded or needed first aid help.

That was the starting point of this project that will provide the displaced people in “Finca la Industria” with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform  First Aid, through workshops, videos and printed materials that will allow them to know how to react in case of emergencies. The main goal is to reduce Human loss if disaster and emergencies occur.


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