Changemaker: Karapet Muradyan
The vision of this CAP was to create a local network of changemakers from my community to organize seminars and workshops, where I introduced them to what I have learned from the Forum. The most important facet of the program was to make youth understand what great potential they have and how, with the right tools and commitment, we can all make a difference. In the end, I would like to mention that in order for me to make this CAP sustainable, I needed networking and cooperation.
The main aim of the CAP is to bring young and talented people of my community/city together, share with them the experience and knowledge I got from participating in the Guilford Forum. – Creation of action groups who will work according to their areas of interest.
The idea was that when we see a problem, we come together and try to give our best efforts and knowledge in order to come up with a rational solution to the problem. In the initial stages of my CAP, the action plan was designed with the purpose to create more youth groups in other cities, villages and communities of Armenia. The groups had meetings with the young people from other cities, introduced them to our program and goals, and tried to spread the idea of youth-led development and youth-empowerment. Within the CAP, a group of 20 young activists from the community was created. The group started working on the issues that matter most to our community and city, be it cleaning, education, recycling, climate change or human rights.
We will expand our scope of activism and create similar groups in all cities of Armenia. Further to this to create a network of cooperation between Azerbaijan, Georgian and Armenia GCM, thus doing everything for bringing stabilization, peace, and prosperity to the Caucasus region again.
“We see a problem, come together and try to put our best efforts and knowledge to giver a rational solution to the problem”