Changemaker: Mantaro Garcia
Country of Implementation: Mexico
Our society requires and unbreakable sense of respect for peace culture and human rights. We as youth understand the importance for Mexico to reduce the violence and be able to make our lives in harmony. It is why we as “Juventud Unida” (registered NGO) created the School Peace Program in which we promote peace culture and antibullying in the education system of the state of Nuevo Leon. The Program is composed in the realization of an intervention model, scalable in public middle schools and divided in three main phases. Furthermore, it is then divided in five axes of transformations which are: Active Citizenship, Sustainable Leadership, Health, Sports and Culture. Currently we seek to impact 80 public schools in the State of Nuevo Leon, with each school executing the five axes of transformations as local projects, thus transforming directly 1,200 youth students from ages 13-15 into ambassadors of peace.
