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Raise her voice

Changemaker: Sophia Lane

Country of Implementation: Uganda

Raise Her Voice is a project providing workshops to school-age girls from Busembatia, Uganda in order to expand their skill-sets and prepare them for their futures. It aims to create equal opportunities for girls to compete on the job market, providing a good grounding in skills relevant to potential careers. In the bigger picture, the project aims to revise the low socio-economic status of women and place them on an equal footing to men, by providing the means of achieving independence, autonomy and control over their own destinies. Not only do the girls learn skills in areas such as politics and journalism, by undertaking workshops carried out by experts in the field, but they also put these skills into practice; for example, by writing about their experiences as a means to exercise their new journalistic skills, or engaging in political debates in order to test their ability in this field.

The girls reflect on what they have gained from each of the workshops by producing a collective piece of writing which is then published via Teen Voices, an online media and news platform of Womens eNews which "reports the stories of women and girls to create a more equitable world" and reaches around 1.5 million readers per year.


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