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Promoting Positive Prevention and Stigma Reduction

Changemaker: Kolawole Oreoluwa

The issue the project concerned with is stigma and discrimination of infected and affected by HIV and mobilisation of young people around Yemetu to utilise HIV Testing Centres in Yemetu. We are going to build the capacity of youths through peer educator’s training on effect of stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV, care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS and importance of HIV testing through. Football matches will be organised among Yemetu community where HIV prevention education will be delivered, HIV materials and condoms will be distributed.

We are going to pay advocacy visit to the relevant authority in the community to seek for support of the project and also identify voluntary counseling and testing centers within the community that can serve as referral center.

We are going to train youth as a peer educator and develop IEC materials that going to be distributed during community mobilization/football matches.

The project will reach 100 young people, I want to see the increase in utilizations of HIV; Counselling Testing services and positive prevention among young people in Yemetu Community. I also expect reduction in stigma and discrimination of young people living with HIV/AIDS.


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