Deeply unsettled by the dire circumstances of children in rural Botswana and driven by a strong belief in youth-led humanitarianism, Nandini founded an NGO, Ray of Hope Project at the age of 16. Through weekly educational programs, rural outreach initiatives and social entrepreneurship, Ray of Hope works towards empowering and educating orphans, HIV/AIDs patients and rape survivors in rural villages of Botswana. The project has also expanded internationally with a branch in the UK which strives to empower Syrian refugees through weekly tutoring and activism. In 2017, Nandini was chosen as a Queens Young Leader Runner's Up and earned an Associate Fellowship at the Royal Commonwealth Society. She is also a Global Youth Ambassador at A World At School - an international organization advocating for education and the rights for children in areas of conflict and poverty. She is currently employing Artivism through documentary-making and photojournalism in the United Arab Emirates.