Changemakers: Thaís de Oliveira Queiroz; Javier Osuna; Nicolás Valenzuela;Nicolás Guarnizo; Trinidad Covarrubias; Lucía Soto; Bernardo Busel; Olga Lucía Mendoza; Christopher Walcott
Why inequality? According to the first ever Human Development Report for Latin America and the Caribbean, ours is the most unequal region in the world. 10 of the 15 countries with the highest levels of inequality are in the region. This helps us to understand why the development agenda for us is different than in other continents. Experts say that “the region has moved forward in social policies like education, but the growing of inequality would stop this tendency for the next years”.
The UN economist Isidro Soloaga explains that “reducing poverty doesn’t necessary helps to the reduction of inequality, because it needs to face differences in education, health and access to proper and well-paying jobs”. Our understanding of equality We share the view of UNDP Regional Director, Heraldo MuÒoz, who explains that “Equality is instrumental in ensuring meaningful liberties; that is to say, in terms of helping all people to share in meaningful life options so that they can make autonomous choices”.
This implies a main role for actions that make people aware of those obstacles, because just like the UNDP report says, what is most needed is to put inequality as the main issue in the agenda and to be creative in how to deal with it. This is where we can make a difference.
The aim of the project is to make our communities aware of how there are concrete situations and realities among them that produce and reproduce inequality, and also to share positive visions and experiences to face them. For this, we want to coordinate and connect regional and local information and activities.
1) ONLINE CAMPAIGN: INEQUALITY FACTS. DID YOU KNOW? We will collect information about specific situations in each country that reflect economical, social, disability and racial inequalities. Each one will be designed to be shocking about a reality that is not being well known among the community. We will compose short texts for each one. Trough a facebook and twitter account, and trough mailing lists, we will campaign to spread these “facts” among youth social networks.
2) LOCAL EVENTS: GET INVOLVED The aim of the local events is to bring attention to specific issues in each country, with activities held by young people.
