Juan is an environmental leader from Chile and is the co-founder and President of Cverde, an environmental NGO. The project that he created and leads, Operaciones Cverde, has been recognized at Premios Latinoamérica Verde and was awarded the National Environmental Award of Chile. He has spent the past six years engaging in sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation for climate and his work was recognised by the Secretary General of the United Nations when he was selected as one of 100 young leaders who attended the Climate Talks during the UN General Assembly in September 2019.
Having served as the Chilean national representative at high level climate negotiations in the past, he was appointed as the General Coordinator for the 15th Conference of the Youth (COY15) which takes place alongside the Conference of the Parties each year. COY is a global conference for youth tackling climate change under the UNFCCC of the United Nations and is an event attended by thousands of young climate workers from around the world.
He is also part of the development of the SustainableCOP Declaration, a set of standards for sustainable international events. He is running a petition calling on the United Nations to employ principles of environmental sustainability at their international events, starting with COP25 in Chile. Sign his petition here: bit.ly/2Lor3oP