Changemaker: Laura Gutierrez Zarta
The World Health Organization talks about 150 000 people die each year due to climate change and considers that nearly 5 billion people will be affected by climate change by 2050. It is critical that young people take action on the matter and see in the present an opportunity to use their creativity and passions to make positive impact in the world we live in. In Global Warning Agency we are committed with to the protection of the environment and the strengthening of the creative industries in Colombia as part of a contribution to the adaptation to climate change in developing countries and a way of promoting development.
The organization is driven by youth who believe in the power of culture to generate positive changes, that work in education(workshops, conferences, summer camps), creativity (audiovisual, graphic and artistic productions), communication and research divisions, as well as in partnerships with other organizations for a sustainable development and a creative country since late 2008. In GWA’s Education Division we are developing the first summer camp that will unite creative industries and environmental knowledge to empower young people to generate proposals that mitigate the consequences of climate change in their own surroundings. Creative Environment will unite 60 youngsters per year in a camp where the gift of human imagination will be celebrated with performing arts, creative writing, fashion design, media, fine arts and collage workshops that will merge with reusing, recycling, global warning, natural resources and biodiversity discussions, as well as with general environmental awareness in order for the participants to embark on an exciting adventure towards positive action to the environmental issues that the world is facing nowadays.
