Changemaker: Danish
Country of Implementation: Pakistan
This project aims to directly engage, educate and empower 1500 young women and girls (both in and out of school),govt. officials, line departments, parliamentarians and media (both social and digital) by organising 6 interactive theater performances and a short film festival,
which will be an open call for all the young women, to document/Shoot/Capture stories of
courage and empowerment, through the camera, the festival target some 300 girls directly
and over 10,000 young people through social media.
Social and digital media will be used for project promotion and to promote and protect
women human rights at community, national, international and policy level. The main objective of the project is to engage, educate and empower young women and girls for enabling them to act as agents of social change and peace by ensuring their equal, active and meaningful
participation to advocate for equal rights of young women and girls at community and
policy level.
