Changemaker: Anza Tshipetane
Country of Implementation: South Africa
Bright young leaders initiative is a non profitt organization that encourages young people in
rural communities to find scientific solutions to SDG-based problems within their
communities. In September 2019 BYLI hosted a rural school innovation camp in Limpopo
South Africa to educate the youth about research, design thinking, sustainable development
goals and the 4th industrial revolution. BYLI also gave access to learning materials about
this content for students who did not attend the camp. On 28th February 2020, BYLI
is hosting a science exhibition competition to see how students have utilized the
information to bring about implementable community solution. Through this competition,
BYLI is also improving out rural students will advance in their careers and projects by
providing opportunities to present their projects internationally, providing local and
international scholarships and internships, awarding them learning resource like books,
laptops, tablets and calculators. This year the aim of byli is to have a minimum of 100
participants between grade 8 and 12 who are based in Limpopo. For more information visit
