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Join our Fights!

Changemaker: Johanna Z

Country of Implementation: Germany

Supported by Papa Johns' Shaq-A-Roni Campaign

The climate youth movement in Germany is often not reflecting on their privileges or how to use them to

support those movements that might be even more active but not have the same outreach; financial or

other possibilities that German youth enjoy. Our project is needed to start uniting youth fights all around the

globe to be more effective as well as supportive towards each other. The designated workshop in Berlin in

April 2024 shall bring together up to 25 youth who are active in the climate movement in Germany. Invited

guests from international youth projects such as „debtsforclimate“, „youth climate justice fund“ or „climate

clock Benin“ will exchange with the German participants how to better unite their fights and potentially

already come up with a joint project idea.

The organized workshop thus will only kick off a longer journey which will help to transform the current

disparities towards a joint climate fight. Because only together, we as youth can make the urgently

needed change!


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